Why You Rarely Hear About Owl City Nowadays

According to the Owl City Fandom website, Adam Young announced in 2015 he would put the project on pause to follow his dreams of being a movie composer, spreading the news and releasing the music the old-fashioned way. (Old fashioned, at least, for someone of Adam Young's generation, meaning primarily online and through independent record labels.)

In the social media post announcing the new project, Young commented, "I will release a conceptual film score each month based on my interpretation of stories that mean something to me. At long last, I'm able to work on a few important projects I've wanted to begin for years, one of them being a composer project inspired by my love of film music."

Most recently, though, Young — who has always been outspoken about his Christian faith in interviews with outlets like Plugged In  — released a remix of the song "Jesus Freak," originally by the Christian pop group DC Talk. The son was released ibn n January of 2021 under the Owl City moniker, proving the group might release new music in the future after all. Fans of the project can't wait to find out.
