How to get Bound Presence in Destiny 2? (2023)

With over a month remaining for Destiny 2 Lightfall, players are trying to wrap up everything from The Witch Queen seasons. Season of the Haunted being one of them, introduced a lot of new currencies and activities for players to participate in. One of these currencies is called Bound Presence, acquired via Nightmare Containment.

However, some players are often confused regarding how the whole system works with Bound Presence and Vestiges of Dread. The following article will help you understand the work of this particular currency from Season 17, how to acquire it from activities, and its usage in the game.

Destiny 2 Bound Presence guide and how to get it (2023)

1) How to get the Bound Presence

Bind Vestiges of Dread option (Image via Destiny 2)

Bound Presence can be found in binding Vestiges of Dread after completing the Nightmare Containment activity. After completing all three tiers of the public event in Castellum, you will need to use a total of 500 Vestiges of Dread to get a Bound Presence. However, the currency has a guaranteed drop chance in the first run.

After getting one, you will now have a chance to get a Bound Presence upon completing a Nightmare Containment. To gain a guaranteed drop again, however, you will need to wait until another weekly reset to hop inside the Nightmare Containment activity.

Bound Presence within the player's inventory (Image via Destiny 2)

The official description of Bound Presence in Destiny 2 is as follows:

"Used to unseal the echoes of latent Nightmares in the Sever activity. Bound Presence is occasionally formed by binding Containment bosses with Vestiges of Dread, and guaranteed on first binding each week. Consumed for rewards upon opening chests in Sever."

If you're not getting a Bound Presence with binding Vestiges, note that the rate is randomized after the guaranteed drop and can differ every time the activity has been completed.

So ensure that you haven't run a Nightmare Containment after a weekly reset, and try to use the Bound Presence in your inventory within the chests located inside Sever.

2) How to use Bound Presence

Chest at the end of Sever (Image via Destiny 2)

Bound Presence can open the final chest of any Sever mission. To start, you will need to either progress through the questline of Season 17, or head to the Destinations tab, navigate to the Moon, and choose any one of the six Sever missions located. Each run will require you to be 1560 or higher.

Using Bound Presence to open the final chest of Sever is essential, as doing so will drop 5 Umbral energy (guaranteed), a red-bordered weapon (randomized), and armor pieces. Since Bound Presence consists of randomized drop rates, you will want to check whether the item is at capacity in your inventory.

If so, make sure to run a Sever mission to redeem the Bound Presence in your inventory.

3) How to quickly farm Vestiges of Dread?

Vanguard Ops (Image via Destiny 2)

The fastest way to farm the Vestiges of Dread is by running the Vanguard Playlist Strikes on repeat. Each completion will drop 240 Vestiges, with 5000 being the max stack within a player's inventory. Patrols in Castellum are another quick way to gain Vestiges as well.

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